Give passengers the power to charge smartphones, laptops and tablets with USB and 110v electrical outlets. Available on most Freedman and FMS seats.
Download the Power Outlets Brochure
Standard Features
- USB requires 4.2Amp
- USB/110v Combo requires 2.1Amp
- Mountable on front or back of base frame
- Backlit with white light
- Minimum gauge of power wire may vary
Single USB (2 ports)
#87090 | FW, Family, 3PT
#87652 | GO, GO-ES *Use on front or back of 1pl seat
#91749 | GO, GO-ES *Use on front/middle of 2pl seat
Double 110v
#12926 | FW, Family, 3PT
#34577 | GO, GO-ES
USB / 110v Combo
#27635 | FW, Family, 3PT
#87392 | GO, GO-ES